Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What Can I Do To Stand Out More I Guess?

I dont consider myself not good looking by any means but I dont think anything sticks out about me, which probably gets me lost in the crowd, which makes it harder to impress girls Im sure. Im pretty conservative looking. Im a 22 year old white male, I have short black hair, dark brown eyes, pretty long face, clean shaven. What can I do to my look, which doesnt make me look too crazy as I tend to actually not care for people who try to bring alot of attention to themselves by looking crazy. Also how can I find out what hair style, color possibly although Im not too keen on changing my hair color, facial hair style and what not can make more attractive I guess.

What Can I Do To Stand Out More I Guess?

Go to a styling salon, they can update your haircut and suggest maybe just putting some highlights in your hair

What Can I Do To Stand Out More I Guess?

it depends on what kind of person you want to stand out to.

try to emphasize your musical tastes and that kind of stuff, and you'll probably attract the kind of people with the same interests as you.

What Can I Do To Stand Out More I Guess?

take care of your teeth and keep them white, then smile often. dress sharp. depending on your personal style, i would say add a nice watch or an earring. nothing too crazy needs to be done to bring attention to yourself.

What Can I Do To Stand Out More I Guess?

as a girl; id like to say that the guys that dont stand out all that much are the ones that grab the most attention from girls... my friend never saw herself with this guy and then they ended up hooking up one night after the bars one night and then we all realized just how good looking he was and how much he blends in -but that was part of his charm... id say - stay just the way you are!

What Can I Do To Stand Out More I Guess?

Forget about what you look like and be the best person you can. The right people will notice and that is all that is important.

What Can I Do To Stand Out More I Guess?

You don't wanna do anything to make yourself to crazy looking, you will attract the wrong kinda grils for you. I personally think that guys who put highlights in their hair look alittle gay. But, I am sure that is just me. I say just always smile. Girls love a guy with a great smile. Get out more often, if your not already. That girl will find you. But, for now, just stop looking. When you do, she will be right there. I promise!

What Can I Do To Stand Out More I Guess?

Go to Baghdad, stand on stilts, wear the USA flag and sing the anthem. I am sure that this will get you noticed.

Doesn't sound good does it?

Not all you wish for is going to turn out how you wish. Be careful.

What Can I Do To Stand Out More I Guess?

I love how men have their beards and moustaches done professionally with the thin lines and goat-tees (sp?)

Go to a Barber (I would say a black shop, but that's only b/c that's the only place I know where they do them - I'm sure there's others).

You can go simple or drastic...

What Can I Do To Stand Out More I Guess?

Most girls dont care about how u look, well they do because that does play a keen factor in the whole thing, but just being ur self and not trying to act all flaky makes u stand out from the crowd alot actually, if you go up to a girl n start talking to her and you can make her laugh then your good to go, u dont really have to change ur looks...

What Can I Do To Stand Out More I Guess?

grow some stubble, grow ur hair longer till its a lil shaggy n dye it dark brown

What Can I Do To Stand Out More I Guess?

look like my avator .

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