Saturday, May 5, 2012

What hair product is a good choice for guys with longer hair?

My hair was cropped short and it looked good, but i thought i might grow it out like everyone's favorite Swedish dota-playing musician: I'm straight but you have to admit the guy has a good sense of style.

I think I have basically the same type of hair he does. It's fine but thick and really straight.

All the products i've tried make my hair look and feel either really sticky or don't do anything at all. Are there any more fashion-oriented people out there who would care to enlighten me? Any tips about how to get it trimmed would be nice too...

What hair product is a good choice for guys with longer hair?

Try american crew for men. smells great and works great. They have many different types to choose from so pick the one best suited for u. I'd most likely go with the tea tree one.

What hair product is a good choice for guys with longer hair?

I agree American Crew smells really good. You can buy it on ebay cheaper than at the stores. You need to use a styling pomade wax product and then spray it with some flexible hold hairspray.

What hair product is a good choice for guys with longer hair?

the best hair care product for guys with long hair are.......scissors!!! cut your hair, be yourself, not someone else. if you looked good cropped, why try to copy a look from some chump. do your own look, and own it !

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