Monday, May 7, 2012

Will this look okay with thin hair?

Alright, I have fairly thin hair and I was thinking of getting it cut short and choppy/layerd (sorta the emo style and I don't want to hear ohh the emo haircut is so poser and stupid i don't really care). My friends think it would suit me but aren't sure if i could do it with my thin hair. They think that any shorter than sholder length, which it is now, may look bad and now it gets me thinking if that style will work at all. I don't want it super short but I was thinking about at my chin. Input please? People maybe with experiance?

Will this look okay with thin hair?

the best for think hair is lots of layers, so make sure whatever you do you have a lot of layers

Will this look okay with thin hair?

Ask your hair stylist. Their opinion is really the only one you should need to determine whether or not the style's for you. =]

Will this look okay with thin hair?

Lots of layers is always good for somebody with thin hair. Hey, cut it and try it out. It will grow back. Its only hair. Good luck!

Will this look okay with thin hair?

Actually, shorter hair will give you more volume and will make your hair look thicker. Layers will also help.

Will this look okay with thin hair?

Layers might give it some fullness ask the person cutting it how to make it look more full and not so thin or if they know hair styles that would fit you better

Will this look okay with thin hair?


aaaaaaaaand you were right.

the emo haircut is stupid and for poseurs.

but don't take my advice.

go get the haircut and be on your poseur way.


another way to prove you're a poseur :you said "don't be hatin"


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