Friday, March 30, 2012

Straightening thick afro hair?

I have a really thick afro hair and I'm always trying to shave it or keep it short. Having this type of hair really puts me in an awkward position when I'm with my friends. Is there any ways or recommendations of Hair Relaxers in Singapore? I dun mind the higher costs as long as I can straighten it out and style my hair like the other boys :(

Please help me, I really want to get rid of my afro hair

Note: Products must be located in Singapore

Straightening thick afro hair?

Personally,I dont think you should try this,but try a straightening chemicle!Its gana straighten your hair in no time!!Or just get it braided or something.

Straightening thick afro hair?

you should not try to be like everyone else just find a look that works for you and go with it no matter who likes it as long as your happy your friends Will like it

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