Friday, April 27, 2012

I dont know what to do with my long hair and carnt find a style to suit me help ??????

I find it hard to make my hair look good when i go out it has no volume and it cost me alot of money at the hairdressers to get it done and carnt afford to keep up the maintence but i refuse to cut iit had it short before but made me look chubby!!!! i was thinking of haveing highlights of diffrent browns or haveing layers put in but carnt find any pictures on the internet can anyone recomend a site with good styles for long hair???

I dont know what to do with my long hair and carnt find a style to suit me help ??????

I dont know what to do with my long hair and carnt find a style to suit me help ??????

Layers require quite a bit more work than one length. You could try braiding it or a high ponytail with curls on the end. Side ponytails look good. If you decide to have it highlighted have it done professionally. It will look a lot better. Look in magazines for girls with your same face shape and coloring in order to make a good decision that will make you happy, but don't be too trendy.

I dont know what to do with my long hair and carnt find a style to suit me help ??????

There's a few sites- I hope some help!

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