Thursday, April 26, 2012

SHOULD I DO IT....guys and girls opinions!?

OK so go here

and tell me if this hair style the "AFTER" looks good on me? I think it does but I need more peoples opinions!

PLEASE help me out! Everyone says I look better with shorter hair and my hair is long right now so I don't know ...YOU TELL ME! thank you all!!!

SHOULD I DO IT....guys and girls opinions!?

Ummm. it works.. but I kind of like the natural look.

SHOULD I DO IT....guys and girls opinions!?

y do're such a natural hottie

i think people have an advantage when its obvious they didnt dye there hair etc etc and they still lopok good

SHOULD I DO IT....guys and girls opinions!?

It looks nice, but your eyebrows are dark and it looks a little unnatural to have that color and black eyebrows. The eyebrows just make it look like there is something that is not quite right. Maybe a darker base or you can lighten your eyebrows slightly to match the drapes! I hope that helps. Your natural do looks great already. What some of my friends are doing is getting blonde on top and doing the bottom black or some combinations of a blonde layer and black layers.

SHOULD I DO IT....guys and girls opinions!?

i think it looks good i like the color not so much the hair cut the color brings out your eyes!

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