Monday, April 16, 2012

How can i get my hair to be stronger, and not limp?

my hair is very limp, it's been that way since i was little, and i can't style my hair at all because it will just fall down anyway, even with gel. i almost never get bedhead, because when i stand up, all my hair just falls down. is there any way i can get it to be stronger so it doesnt fall as much? no matter how long my hair is it always looks short, and it's ugly.

How can i get my hair to be stronger, and not limp?


How can i get my hair to be stronger, and not limp?

Switch your shampoos. I really like Pantene Pro-V plus it makes it all shiny and smooth. It also helps to use a volumizer. Try using the brand MOP.... modern organic products. Their leave in conditioner and volumizer does wonders.

How can i get my hair to be stronger, and not limp?

get your hair cut in a short style thats layered, it will fluff up better that way, i use Body envy shampoo, conditioner and a clear gel styler.

How can i get my hair to be stronger, and not limp?

hair is made of protein so if you don't eat alot of protein rich foods like eggs, meats, milk etc. you might want to consider that as a means to healthier hair...washing hair regularly is a good way to clear sebum from hair follicles...if you retain a good regiment of health and hygiene and your hair is healthy and it still seems too straight or "limp" its your prerogative to go to a stylist and get a new hair style. Personally I think straight or even limp hair looks very cool..alot of musicians and even actors/actresses seem to have this hair type...I think people look best naturally...people who wear alot of make up/hair color er whatever tend to look fake...there's shampoos/conditioners that can thicken your hair w/out resorting to perms etc...check the labels of haircare products and look for shampoos etc that thicken or create fullness...and between you and me?..feel good about yourself for who you'll be alot better off =)

How can i get my hair to be stronger, and not limp?

The old saying goes: you are what you eat! As your hair is made of protein perhaps you are not eating a sufficient amount of fish, cheese, eggs, meat. etc. I also believe in getting a good hair cut or trim every month - (my hair grows REALLY fast). An experienced hair stylist will tell you that there are 2 kinds of cuts - one for growth and one for styling purposes! Get both (alternating with each visit) frequently, depending upon how fast your hair grows. Use a salon recommended clarifying shampoo at least once every two weeks. Use a good regular shampoo in between times. Brush out any leave-ins every night b/4 bed.

How can i get my hair to be stronger, and not limp?

Vitamins for hair growth

Reduce Hair Loss With A Thorough Head Massage

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