Saturday, April 14, 2012

I wan't to become emo...I'm black?

I'm black and I'm very serious about becoming emo but i really don't know what to do about the hair part...I mean like most black males we have short hair [and no i don't have "peasy" or"nappy" hair]also I don't live in the ghetto...any suggestions on

I wan't to become emo...I'm black?

dude you aint black you human

I wan't to become emo...I'm black?

whats an emo? Report It

I wan't to become emo...I'm black?

wow Report It

I wan't to become emo...I'm black?

Stupid. Black is a race. Durrrr. Report It

I wan't to become emo...I'm black?

Emo is "Emotionally Hardcore".

Go to youtube and type in, "How to be Emo" in the search box and you'll get a funny stereotypical explanation. Report It

I wan't to become emo...I'm black?

Would that make you Blamo or Emack?

I wan't to become emo...I'm black?

Some one explain to me what emo means?

I wan't to become emo...I'm black?

You need some serious help. LOL

I wan't to become emo...I'm black?

Guapo is dumb, dont listen to him.

can you straighten it a bit, grow it out?

I wan't to become emo...I'm black?

i am not sure ..u see.. get dreadlocks...huh??

I wan't to become emo...I'm black?

Get a wig.

Paint yourself white and then go slit your wrists cause that's what emos do.

I wan't to become emo...I'm black?

i have an African american friend who is emo. and he leaves his hair as is. and also

why are you wanting to "become" emo?

u cant just become that.... emotion


best of luck

oh and ntw Sarabeth that is the most imature cliche answer ive ever heard....

thank you for being a total dumb***

I wan't to become emo...I'm black?

why cant you just be yourself and not follow a crowd

I wan't to become emo...I'm black?


I wan't to become emo...I'm black?

why would u wanna be emo?

I wan't to become emo...I'm black?

wtf?!?! not to be mean, but you cant suddenly become emo.. and real emo dont really care about wat they look like, so you mean your trying to be scene.

((and can I say poser?))

I wan't to become emo...I'm black?

First explain to us in the majority what 'emo' means.

I wan't to become emo...I'm black?

If real emo doesnt care what they look like, why do they all look like that?

I don't think anybody should be emo. The hairstyle is annoying to look at, the music is whiney, guys wear makeup, and you have to be depressed about the most trivial matters of life. Please reconsider, there are lots of other great things to get into... classic rock, hip hop like the Roots, alternative, i dunno classic... anything but emo!

I wan't to become emo...I'm black?

No,you dont want to be emo,cause youre born emo.You want to be scene,and follow the crowd.It doesnt matter what your hair looks like.Just be all depressed and cut your wrist and wear lots of band tees and when your favorite band becomes popular hate their fans and stop listening to them.And always wear tight girl pants.

I wan't to become emo...I'm black?

okay my question to you!! how the -bleep- Do you just become 'Emo' ?!?!!?!?!?! I'm 'emo' adn i REALLY hate lables.. i don't give a -bleep- what people think about me... if you really asking this qustion you are suuuuuch a wanna be.....and PS look around my best freind/ my drummer is a African American guy and he has a bright neon green mohawk and dresses like a good drummer should... So dont give me that crap about i can't be emo.. good gosh.. be yourself don't try to be someone your not .. trust me we don't need another ^^poser^^ running around...!

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