Saturday, April 14, 2012

Question for the women out there?

Do you find long hair or short hair more attractive on a man? I kept a high and tight hair style for 12 years I want to try a new look.

Question for the women out there?

Good question.

Long hair is okay on a guy, and I have had partners previously with shoulder-length hair...

Now, I much prefer short hair-- not too short though... A bit of length I can play with and bleach the tips etc... :) Hehehhee.

Much tidier that way...

Honestly though, some of these come-back 80s meets now hair styles are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO overrated!! That David Beckham thing was okay for a while, but now it's SOMETHING ELSE!! Don't let some pushy hair dresser talk you into it!!!

A new Do is always nice and refreshing, but you should make up your own mind, check out some fashion mags - see if there's something you like!!




Question for the women out there?

Short clean cut is WAY better then long hair. A nice tight fade is hot.

Question for the women out there?

LONG!! skater hair is hot but only if your under 25

Question for the women out there?

go 4 it dude


Question for the women out there?

short is very cute

Question for the women out there?

I love SHORT hair on men. It makes them look very clean and suave. Don't hide behind that long mane!

Question for the women out there?

depends, if you have a wide head keep it above the ears, but if you have a slim face long or both

Question for the women out there?

i like it sorta long!!!

short is ugly

longer than shoulders in ugly

try right above shoulders, supperrrrrrr sexii

Question for the women out there?

I love really muscular men with a bald head, or medium build with a fade. Mmmmm, sexy.....

Question for the women out there?

I personally like longer hair. The only bad thing is that a guy MUST keep his hair looking nice if it is long. It gets SOOO gross if a guy has long hair and doesn't take showers or doesn't comb it.

As long as a guy takes CARE of his hair, it looks hot as HELL long!

Question for the women out there?

I actually like short hair better than long hair, but not completely bald.

Question for the women out there?

I L-O-V-E the long-ish skater cut on guys!! It totally drives me nuts!

Question for the women out there?

depends on the man. i like them both. there are alot of new styles for men these days. grow it out a bit and get a cool cut. then wear it however to work , then do the spike up middle thing at night! good luck. look up hairstyles .com

Question for the women out there?

It depends on the shape of your face. Look in the mirror. If the first thing you notice every morning is how your hair looks, it probably overwhelms your face and needs a good cut. Long hair can be very attractive, depends on the man. There is no generic answer. One good example is Lorenzo Lamas. He looked fabulous either way, it really depends because it changes the image you project.

Question for the women out there?

Short is alot better. sometimes it depends on the guy. but i like short the best.

Question for the women out there?

I prefer longer hair, but not to the point where it looks like a shaggy dog. A little below the ear is fine, but if it touches your shoulders, it's time to get it cut. It also is based on your facial structure. If you have good bone structure in your face, you best show it off rather than hide it.

Question for the women out there?

It really depends on the guy. But usually, I love a clean cut guy with short hair. Ironically, I'm dating a guy who has long, shaggy hair! :P

Question for the women out there?

Short hair looks more clean and handsome cos you can actually see a face.


Question for the women out there?

It has to do with the way you handle yourself. the shape of your face. And some jobs require you have a short cut. I like both. Dare to change it could be just what you need. Good luck.

Question for the women out there?

spicky hair short in other words

Question for the women out there?

Shorter shaggy(shaggy as in loose) look is very sexy.......take a look at what most guys are wearing now

Also highlights(just a few) are even more sexy on a guy

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