Monday, April 16, 2012

Which hair style is the cutest/?

i have short bangs but some poeple like it and some poele hate it what do yo guys think is hot?

Which hair style is the cutest/?

I don't really like bangs that are too short. They don't look right on me but it depends on how they compliment your face!

I just got bangs for the first time in idk how many years but the stylist cut them way too short so I had to keep them pulled back with a clip! I just now can wear them down...

but...if you like the way they look on you then keep them!

Which hair style is the cutest/?

What do you like? It doesn't matter what other people think, as long as you like it. If you like it, then good.

Which hair style is the cutest/?

i hate short bangs (the kind that dont cover your eyebrows) - makes people look like little girls

Which hair style is the cutest/?

what ur hair looks now or ur natural hair style

Which hair style is the cutest/?

try parting your hair, then putting yourr bangs to the side bangs, then putting hair spray on it to stay...I dont know what you have so i cant really help...Sorry but try it it might look cute : /

you could do it on a weekend or sometime you dont see ppl in case you dont like it..

Which hair style is the cutest/?

Depends how short are they? But it doesn't matter. As long as you have the face for it and you like them.

Which hair style is the cutest/?

idk if the bangs are straight across your forhead ugly.... if itz on the side cute!

Which hair style is the cutest/?

It depends on what you like, I like certan types of bangs. Like the long whispy ones. But short blunt bangs are cute too.

Which hair style is the cutest/?

Most guys would have to see you rather than give a choice of which style is cute. We don't see "cuteness" in hairstyles, in case you didn't know

Which hair style is the cutest/?

i like the short bang

Which hair style is the cutest/?

Sorry I don't know how ya look. You didn't tell us how your face looked. I have seen many woman wearing them lately. I thought they had gone out of style. I know a lot of models who were ugly and still are with huge foreheads. They don't hide it behind bangs. So don't worry about what others think. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you think you look good then you look good. A positive attitude goes a long way!

Which hair style is the cutest/?

I think no bangs is better because if you grow them out it will match your hair and you can just pull it up in a pony tail or a cute style without having to worry about loose hair.What is cute as well is letting your bangs grow half as long as your hair so you have a cute little front peice for speacial events to curl.But if you do the second option make sure it isn't all of your bangs just a little strand that you could braid and pull in a rubber band so it won't look ugly.If you have anymore hair questions IM me.Hope it helps.

Which hair style is the cutest/?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle ideas - tips and tricks-

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle Photo Gallery-

Which hair style is the cutest/?

side swept bangs are cute

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