Friday, April 20, 2012

I have black hair below my shoulders. I want to have a new look, please help!?

I chemically straightened my hair last September because it used to be frizzy, puffy, n too curly. I wanted to grow it long because once the curly hair grows back, it will be more manageable than short curly hair. But now, my hair is below my shoulders and I would like to cut it to above my shoulders. The problem is that if I cut it, the straightening wares off, I am stuck with the same problem I had before my chemical straightening. I don't want to chemically straighten my hair again. and when I put it in a ponytail, it gets really puffy at the end, and I don't like it, so I always got to put it in a bun, but I am really sick of that style. Please help, I want to get a nice style before school starts.

I have black hair below my shoulders. I want to have a new look, please help!?

With your hair getting puffy at the end, sounds like it is very dry, my hair does that aswell

you could go to the hairdresser ask them to cut off your hair to the length you want, and buy some wax and a straighter that might help

Ask the hairdresser they will know

Good luck

I have black hair below my shoulders. I want to have a new look, please help!?

OK i know this is still cutting it but all you have to do is get it layered and then that will make it thinner there wont be frizz and then to keep it straight buy a straightener and sraighten your hair everyday!

Good Luck!

I have black hair below my shoulders. I want to have a new look, please help!?

i think you should get it cut like rihanna has got her hair cut now. And embrace the curl in ur hair dont try to fight it. Oh and i have the same problem u do my hair is really frizzy and poofy andit also poofs out when i put it in a pony tail. But its not curly its kinda wavy.

I have black hair below my shoulders. I want to have a new look, please help!?

why don`t you try making you hair wavy not curly? and why don`t you like curly hair people Never have curly hair just defris your hair curly hair is pretty.

I have black hair below my shoulders. I want to have a new look, please help!?

When I got my hair cut tomy shoulders, I really regretted it, because I wanted my long hair back. My advice to you is to grow out this style so that your hair doesn't look part curly part straight, then cut it how you may find that you want long hair after all!

I have black hair below my shoulders. I want to have a new look, please help!?

why dont you go for a haircut like this so you can straighten it with a straightener instead of chemically getting it done. and you could put on a whole bunch of anti-frizz cremes and stuff like that, and who knows, may if you can get the curls under control, the hair cut would look good even if you dont straighten it. my mom has straight hair and she got a perm, then she got it shorter than this picture, and when she leaves it curly, it looks just as good as when it's straight.

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