Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What Can I Do To Stand Out More I Guess?

I dont consider myself not good looking by any means but I dont think anything sticks out about me, which probably gets me lost in the crowd, which makes it harder to impress girls Im sure. Im pretty conservative looking. Im a 22 year old white male, I have short black hair, dark brown eyes, pretty long face, clean shaven. What can I do to my look, which doesnt make me look too crazy as I tend to actually not care for people who try to bring alot of attention to themselves by looking crazy. Also how can I find out what hair style, color possibly although Im not too keen on changing my hair color, facial hair style and what not can make more attractive I guess.

What Can I Do To Stand Out More I Guess?

Go to a styling salon, they can update your haircut and suggest maybe just putting some highlights in your hair

What Can I Do To Stand Out More I Guess?

it depends on what kind of person you want to stand out to.

try to emphasize your musical tastes and that kind of stuff, and you'll probably attract the kind of people with the same interests as you.

What Can I Do To Stand Out More I Guess?

take care of your teeth and keep them white, then smile often. dress sharp. depending on your personal style, i would say add a nice watch or an earring. nothing too crazy needs to be done to bring attention to yourself.

What Can I Do To Stand Out More I Guess?

as a girl; id like to say that the guys that dont stand out all that much are the ones that grab the most attention from girls... my friend never saw herself with this guy and then they ended up hooking up one night after the bars one night and then we all realized just how good looking he was and how much he blends in -but that was part of his charm... id say - stay just the way you are!

What Can I Do To Stand Out More I Guess?

Forget about what you look like and be the best person you can. The right people will notice and that is all that is important.

What Can I Do To Stand Out More I Guess?

You don't wanna do anything to make yourself to crazy looking, you will attract the wrong kinda grils for you. I personally think that guys who put highlights in their hair look alittle gay. But, I am sure that is just me. I say just always smile. Girls love a guy with a great smile. Get out more often, if your not already. That girl will find you. But, for now, just stop looking. When you do, she will be right there. I promise!

What Can I Do To Stand Out More I Guess?

Go to Baghdad, stand on stilts, wear the USA flag and sing the anthem. I am sure that this will get you noticed.

Doesn't sound good does it?

Not all you wish for is going to turn out how you wish. Be careful.

What Can I Do To Stand Out More I Guess?

I love how men have their beards and moustaches done professionally with the thin lines and goat-tees (sp?)

Go to a Barber (I would say a black shop, but that's only b/c that's the only place I know where they do them - I'm sure there's others).

You can go simple or drastic...

What Can I Do To Stand Out More I Guess?

Most girls dont care about how u look, well they do because that does play a keen factor in the whole thing, but just being ur self and not trying to act all flaky makes u stand out from the crowd alot actually, if you go up to a girl n start talking to her and you can make her laugh then your good to go, u dont really have to change ur looks...

What Can I Do To Stand Out More I Guess?

grow some stubble, grow ur hair longer till its a lil shaggy n dye it dark brown

What Can I Do To Stand Out More I Guess?

look like my avator .

Hair breakage on top of my head?

Ok, I know that hair can break if overprocessed, damaged etc. (which mine is a little bit) But I've always found the breakage to occur at the ends. Lately after styling my hair Ive noticed small strands of hair broken off and sticking up at the top of my head. I have shoulder length hair w/ long layers so these pieces are considerably shorter than the rest.

What could be causing this? HELP PLEASE!

Hair breakage on top of my head?

maybe your not using enough conditioner. i know it flattens the top of your hair, but, maybe a deep conditioner once a week or more may be helpful...good luck!!

Hair breakage on top of my head?

If you're taking any medications, check to see if their side-effects are anything related to what you're describing.

Hair breakage on top of my head?

Did you just have a baby recently? This has happened to me after giving birth. My solution was to have it cut short on top and curl with curling iron and tease so as to make it less obvious. Another time I just went and had a perm and cut it short of course then I had to wait for it to grow out then cut off the permed hair off. Both worked fine. I like my hair straight so I wouldn't want to get a perm it again.

I got my hair thinned at a salon... How long until it grows in thick again?

So pretty much I went to a salon to get my hair cut and styled. The lady cut off the length first then went in with a razer and thinned it.. and then blow dried it and straightend it then cut it again with thinning shears.. now my hair is WAY too thin for my likings... How long will it take for the thickness / bulk to return.?

Keep in mind I love the cut and style.. just when I feel my hair its TOO thin now and a pony tails look so stupid and small now.

Originally I had hair below my boobs and extremely thick with long layers and now its a bit above my arm pit with short layers.

Please say it wont take long to get the thickness to return!!!

I got my hair thinned at a salon... How long until it grows in thick again?

My hair is super thick so I usually get my hair thinned except for when it starts growing back it has ALOT of volume...and for me this is only about a less than a month after doing it...i think it actually made my hair bigger than it was i just decided to go to another place and what they do is just do the ends of your i like that alot better

I got my hair thinned at a salon... How long until it grows in thick again?

couple of days it dotn take long trust meeee, glad you like your new style :]

I got my hair thinned at a salon... How long until it grows in thick again?

since you say extremely thick, I would say a month - 3 months max. My hair is also very thick and I always get it thinned; I notice it after a month and by 3 months it's back to normal.

I got my hair thinned at a salon... How long until it grows in thick again?

I would say about a month. But if you sweat alot it will grow in faster. I know that's sound wired but. If you don't wash your hair for a while it will grow. Hair can grow under dirt for some reason.

I got my hair thinned at a salon... How long until it grows in thick again?

believe me it wont..

about two weeks and u can start

to feel it..

that why i thin mine every few weeks :D

I got my hair thinned at a salon... How long until it grows in thick again?

Thining your hair is removing it. By cutting layers into it, you have to wait for the hair to grow back. Sorry, but the resonse of a couple of days was wrong. Hair is dead once it leaves the scalp, so it will won't regenerate from the bottom.

I got my hair thinned at a salon... How long until it grows in thick again?

first of all it horriably to get your hair thinned if its super think i did it and i have a huge puff on top of my head but it should be back to normal within a week or two ...but when it comes back its gonna come back twice as thick.

I got my hair thinned at a salon... How long until it grows in thick again?

It will take as long as it normally takes your hair to grow

I got my hair thinned at a salon... How long until it grows in thick again?

it wont take long for the thickness to return.


How do I style my hair??

HELP!!! can somebody tell me wat i should do with my hair, its alomost above my shoulder, i consider it short and i don't know what to do with it, i think i look like a boy!! and i have bangs, short bangs, alittle below my eyebrows...HELP!!!

How do I style my hair??

in France, short hair is considered as beautiful as long hair. if you think you look like a boy, have some fun with hair accessories. put in some clips, a headband, and some pretty earrings. wear some light makeup, and you'll look pretty pretty!

There are some fun hairstyles you can do with shorter hair and a French comb, where you can tuck your hair back into simple but cool formations. i would google them.

Don't forget to have fun! Get like ten bucks and go to a dollar store, grab a bunch of clips and accessories.

hope it helps ^.^

How do I style my hair??

try layers. layers work well with any length of hair. if you

dont like the length get exstensions

How do I style my hair??

this ight work idk though

hope i helped

How do I style my hair??

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Short hairstyle tips-

Hairstyles With Bangs/fringe

Haircuts please?

im a 15 year old girl and im into that scene style i love the short hair but not way to short like to my chin is fine but not any shorter can you help me find a haircut? please? i want pics 2

Haircuts please?

ok so i have scene hair..but in my myspace pic i dont because my camera broke and i cnat put my new hair up on tehre yet

i tried going onto photobucket to get some pics that i used to get my hair i dunno why but right now its going through a maintenence and like i couldnt get any thing but i managed to get this url

try it and look through all teh different albums she has for hair and see what you like

i have one more taht i really want you to try

if you ever get the chance look up scenehairideas this thing will come up and click on scenehairideas go to the chicks album and look at all the hair

good luck

Haircuts please?

if you want a nice short look go on google!

How should i cut my hair? how should i change it up?

well, i have curly hair first off. a round face. my hair now, when its curly, is a couple inches below my shoulder. very basic, thinned out cut with a face frame and side-swept bangs. its getting pretty boring. i pull it back in a pony tail everyday, because when i leave it down, its very....big. but overall my curls are pretty nice and managable with about 5 minutes and some hair gel. im moving away to college in a few months too. im kind of done with the pony tail days and looking for something kinda simple, chic, and sophisticated i can fix in a few minutes and go. thats pretty much my style. any ideas would be wonderful!! thanks!! =] if it helps any, thats a picture of myself. =]

and i do know, i loved jessica simpson's shorter curly bob style..not sure how short i should go, though...

and i am graduating from high school in a few days, so i want a change. something that will make people wow...=]

How should i cut my hair? how should i change it up?

well, you know those head bands that have the little clips that you can clip on the front/top of your head? those look adorable with curly hair. also, if you use some gell that makes your hair look a little wet, that looks super cute!!! plus, it sort of makes it less poofy. Good luck!

How should i cut my hair? how should i change it up?

Go to my Yahoo 360 page. I posted a picture of a short curly hair style that I think is cute and hopefully you will like too. xD

Suggest me?

i hav short curly hairs . i want it to be long but it does not grows .what hair style shud i take i am having step cut for years and i want to keep it open but it becomes unmanageable

Suggest me?

massage regularly with olive oil they will grow faster and ask your hair stylist to guide you

Suggest me?

get a deep conditioning treatment done at a parlour to smoothen your curls.ask the hair stylist to help u with the cut.

Suggest me?


Suggest me?

Eat the powder 'HAIRGRO', a french formula.

Suggest me?

Stop cutting hair, apply gingelly oil and wash your hair with shikakai powder.Frequently wash your hair.Comb your hair three times daily.After 5 to 6 months you can see the hair atleast an inch.