Monday, May 7, 2012

I don't know what to do..skater or surfer long hair? How do you do it? Read text below before a

I don't know what to do..skater or surfer long hair? How do you do it? Which one is better?

My Story: ok, so i am a real hard-core skater/surfer i have the clothes surfboard, skateboard and everything. All I need is the hair. How do you do it? My friends all have surfer/skater hair and now i need to get it. I tried growing it long but then when I got it as long as I wanted, I didn't know how to style it and then it looked pretty bad. Then i cut it all off and now can anyone tell me:

How to get surfer/skater hair?

Please, please, please tell me now while my hair is still short.


I don't know what to do..skater or surfer long hair? How do you do it? Read text below before answering......

Just grow it longer (obviously) style it with long side bangs. And then just don't pay attention to it.

That's the beauty of skater hair.

Effortlessly awesome.

Or just ask your friends.

I don't know what to do..skater or surfer long hair? How do you do it? Read text below before answering......

i thought the idea was that you didn't style it at all...

everyone i see that skates doesn't look like they even know they have hair, much less take care of it.

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