Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What to wear on my birthday?

its soon. and im turning 13 its on a school day though...

im thinking of wearing

a tiara ..... but what style hair

a cute top from hollister (going shopping next weekend? help?)

a dark mini skirt over univeresty of pink gray leggings.. (have them both)

black flats

hair/ makeup/ top help please!!!

(ooh i have short- brown hair with light blonde highlights and like the color pinnk or blue babydoll for the top maybe?)

What to wear on my birthday?

i love the tiara idea!!!!thats what i was going to do, my birthday is the 7th. its going to get warmer so cute%26lt;short%26gt;jean skirt w/ leggings would look good

try to get black leggings with pink stars on them, black flats with a bow and holes with %26lt;opt.%26gt; pink socks. your hair should be curled, light eyeshadow with black eyeliner, top and bottom, the redder the checks and the mediumer the face is the better.



What to wear on my birthday?

wear cloths!

What to wear on my birthday?

this would be cute for the shirt

What to wear on my birthday?

You could wear a blue mini skirt %26amp; leggings that match your shirt like a pink shirt and then wear a blue headband with a pink scarf. And for your hairstyle you could have a high pony tail on the side.

What to wear on my birthday?

if your going to hollister go on the site and go to Betty's then pick the category knits there is some cool tops there and I'm sure you can find something there.

What to wear on my birthday?

outfit- - look for navy leggings


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