Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I dont know what to do with my look??

Ok so i was hoping some of you could help me with what color to dye my hair, what style i could do my hair, how i should do my make up, you know the works :]

^ my hair currently

^ my hair short and curled

thanks so much guys in advance :D

I dont know what to do with my look??

well i quiet like both ur looks..its nice to c that u experiment . even i do the same .. well for a good color u cud try the blue black..i think its really chick get that global. will jus add a new blue shine to ur already balck hair .. or u cud go for browns ... also u cud get creative coloring.

for a hair cut i think best is to go for short .. it can look great on u victoria bekham cut i love it .. and will be a great change. u wud njoy the short length..or get a heavier bang with more layering somethin more sexy and chick .

I dont know what to do with my look??

1st one: simple makeup. nice neutral Report It

I dont know what to do with my look??

I think you look good in both pictures, pick whichever style you want.

I dont know what to do with my look??

What would look good is if you would take the first pics hair and die some if the tips blonde.

Hope this helps.

I dont know what to do with my look??

i like your hair currently i think it looks really cute. and i think that you should wear a bright eyeshadow

I dont know what to do with my look??

i like your hair curly. if you are going to curl it, dye your hair all brown and put red streaks throughout your hair. stick with eyeliner and mascara for the makeup(black or dark brown). maybe some liquid eyeliner... wear lipgloss but only when you go out.

I dont know what to do with my look??

i think it looks beautiful like that!!

your so pretty!

I dont know what to do with my look??

By the looks of it you have very pretty hair. I would suggest some highlights. May be do a light brown color all over your hair and mis in some blonde highlights to make it look natural.

I dont know what to do with my look??

u should keep the red color and curl it! that would be so awesome!

I dont know what to do with my look??

wow ur very pretty u look good both ways try black eyeshadow

I dont know what to do with my look??

keep your hair straight! you look great with straight hair. and dont die any blonde highlights into your hair. i hate it when girls with beautiful brunette hair ruin it by adding blonde highlights to it.

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