Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How can i make my hair grow?

ok. here's the problem. im 2/4 black, 1/4 mexican, 1/4 white....N I CAN'T GET MY FREAKIN HAIR TO GROW!!!! i've tried to stop perming n putting different relaxers on my hair, i've tried to stop putting heat on my hair, putting my hair in ponytails, wearing braids, n wearing styles that are tight on my edges, but nothing seems to work. it's frustrating me to no end n i would preferably like help from someone who's got hair like mine(kinda short n kinda long, n kinda nappy) lol thanx!

How can i make my hair grow?

The thing you can use is Maine 'n'Tail you can get it at Walmart or any other store!I started to use it and IT WORKS!But don't freak out it is a shampoo for horses but like I said it works!Another thing you can use is horse placenta I know it sounds gross but it helps with the nappy part and you can get it at sally's beauty supplies,also try taking prenatal pills!!!Hope it works for you cause it worked for me!

How can i make my hair grow?

Cut the end of your hair every 6 weeks trust me im 2/4 black 1/4 mexican and 1/4 black to so is my ssiter and her hairs down to her shoulder becouse she always get the ends cut now me right now im growin my frow like my couseins Report It

How can i make my hair grow?

Vitamine E will do the trick

How can i make my hair grow?

Dont cut it.

How can i make my hair grow?

try taking prenatal and nails grow quick.

How can i make my hair grow?

not let it grow but you could also get hair extensions

How can i make my hair grow?

well, i kinda had a problem like that with my hair, and i got a trim on my hair, and it made it grow!! u should try it!

How can i make my hair grow?

well, if i were you i would go to a hair salon and ask a perfesonal what to do. i bet they would give you plenty of ideas! Good luck.

How can i make my hair grow?

I agree w/ the prenatal vitamin suggestion, and also eat lots of animal protein.

How can i make my hair grow?

just massage ur hair 2-3 times a day

How can i make my hair grow?

you can use Super Grow at any Sally store

it really works in black people hair

How can i make my hair grow?

Protein is also good for growing hair. Really the best way to increase your growth rate is to have a healthy diet with plenty of protein and vitamins. Supplements will also help.

But keep in mind that people tend to have a set length that their hair can grow.

How can i make my hair grow?

I was speaking to my beautician the last time I did my hair. She gave me the only reality check.She says not everybody can have long hair. I'm 1/2 Puerto Rican %26amp; 1/2 Dominican and not to brag but my hair is pretty good. I have tried everything from mayo with avocado conditioner from not using gel and mousse from cutting my tips every three months and my hair did not grow past my breasts. It stood right beneath my shoulders. It urked the s*hit out of me that I just decided to cut my hair to right above my shoulders. It looks good. My beautician says that it won't grow any longer than it was. My hair would never grow to be down to my butt. My daughter just turned five this month and her hair is down past her a*ss cheeks. It is just the type if hair that you have. I guess its not for us to have long hair. Make the best of what you have. I did. I love my new haircut. Can't beat it join it. If that makes any sense. Ha Ha. Good Luck !

How can i make my hair grow?

There really is no way to make your hair grow quicker besides taking care of it. I've been told that washing your hair a little less often helps aid hair growth as the oils in the scalp that help keep it healthy are more abundant. Washing it all the time will wash all of those oils away. A moisturized scalp is a healthy scalp! However don't wait too long lol. There is this stinky hair grease called Sulfur 8 and it really works for me. Oil your scalp with it as often as it gets dry. Use a wash out conditioner and leaving it on while sitting under the dryer for about 10 minutes instead of washing it straight out will help. Follow up with a leave in conditioner. If you do get relaxers make sure they are done professionally and that you get a trim the same day. It is VERY IMPORTANT to get a trim every six weeks!!! Trimming helps hair growth by keeping split ends at bay. As you may know, the longer split ends are left unattended to, the higher up they will split until they reach the root. Make sure you ALWAYS get a deep conditioner (Aphoge products really work also) 1-2 weeks after your relaxers. Finally, wrapping your hair at night with a silk scarf will keep your hair from drying out. People may tell you to take prenatal vitamins. Using prenatal vitamins when you're not pregnant is dangerous because the high iron content could be harmful. The high levels of calcium can also cause constipation and yeast infections in some women. You may not want to hear it but drinking more water, products with added sunscreen to protect your hair from the drying rays of the sun, not smoking (which slows hair growth plus it's nasty), and taking a daily multivitamin may be your best bet. There are some vitamin formulas that are targeted toward hair/nail/skin growth that are cheap widely available. Make sure you talk with your doctor before taking anything though and talk to your stylist before putting anything in your hair because you don't substitute Yahoo Answers for the advice of a trained medical and/or haircare professional. You will have to be patient and stick with what I said for about 6 months (because your hair isn't going to sprout out of your scalp overnight anyone who promises you that is lying) and you'll see more healthy hair.

How can i make my hair grow?

you hair is not growing because you is putting so many things in your hair and you should us weave in your hair and do that for 2 mouths and see if your hair grow than and why do you want you hair longer any way you should be happy that you have hair because some people wish they had the hair that you have...................

How can i make my hair grow?

dr michricle

How can i make my hair grow?

Deep coniditon with mayo treatments and get rid of split end with a trim not a cut. Braid take hair out if you hair isn't strong brush your hair and twist at night also use kemi ole. don't over saturate your hair because the pores won't breathe. If hair pores can't breathe then your hair can't grow

How can i make my hair grow?

spray paint your hair

How can i make my hair grow?

look i have a solid solution.i have been researching on such problems from a few months so the solution is,you need fresh oxygen for hair growth and go for a morning walk i challenge you within 4 weeks there will be a difference ...thanx...u will be successfull i can assure you that.

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