Saturday, May 5, 2012

Who here cut your hair shorter for the summer?

what style?

Who here cut your hair shorter for the summer?

NEVER!!! Mine is to my hips and growing.

Who here cut your hair shorter for the summer?

i didn't

Who here cut your hair shorter for the summer?

no i dont.

Who here cut your hair shorter for the summer?

I do a High-and-Tight all year round

Who here cut your hair shorter for the summer?

I haven't but I've thought about it.

Who here cut your hair shorter for the summer?

yes and mullet..

Who here cut your hair shorter for the summer?

i didn't...i'm growing my hair out!

Who here cut your hair shorter for the summer?

i havent had a hair cut since november. and its pretty sexy. lol, jk. but its not too long, about time for a trim, and getting it thinned out is overdue.

Who here cut your hair shorter for the summer?

I cut it shorter for school,. lol.

Who here cut your hair shorter for the summer?

I didn't

Who here cut your hair shorter for the summer?

Not me, but I am thinking about it for fall..

Who here cut your hair shorter for the summer?

I'm growing my hair, because all the stupid kiddy trendwh0res cut their hair short to look all emo. hate all of em posers.

Who here cut your hair shorter for the summer?

No. I just tie my hair in a bun or clip during the summer.

Who here cut your hair shorter for the summer?

im gonna get my haircut soon very short like right above my shoulders w/side bangs.

Who here cut your hair shorter for the summer?

my friend cut her long hair into a bob-style for the summer

Who here cut your hair shorter for the summer?

yep its how my friends know me

Who here cut your hair shorter for the summer?

me!! kinda medium though. its layered!!

Who here cut your hair shorter for the summer?

I did! I had not cut it for 12 yrs. But I'm glad I did, heat index was 104 today.

Who here cut your hair shorter for the summer?

I usually do but this time I am letting it grow long for locks of love.

Who here cut your hair shorter for the summer?

me, i went from long hair down to my chin to almost a buzz cut, now i'm growing it owt again...look for my avatar to have long hair in a few months

Who here cut your hair shorter for the summer?

i don't i like my hair the way it is =D

Who here cut your hair shorter for the summer?

i did. we used to call it a bur or g. i.

buzz it's short.

Who here cut your hair shorter for the summer?

i actually did the complete opposite. i havent gotten a hair cut since early June. my hair pretty shaggy now. i actually plan on gettin a hair cut today or tomorrow.

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