Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What does it usually cost to get you hair relaxed and will it damage my hair?

I have super curly hair, its think, its curly, and Its short. I use to style it as if it was stright. Everyday I would have to strighten my hair for it to look desent. The haircut was simply made for stright hair....what I did not have. Anyway I am growing my hair out and trying to get it as long and healthy as possable. I have not dyed my hair in six months.Its just such a hassle right now getting it to calm down when I wash it. I mainly wear it up for work but still I want to know what girls usually pay?

My hairdresser wants to do it for $300.00 for her to do it.

What does it usually cost to get you hair relaxed and will it damage my hair?

Of course it will damage your hair. Natural is curly and you are making it straight by treating it with relaxer something has to give. Tell your hairdresser to take a hike and just leave it be natural and see what happens, now by natural that is no treatment whatsoever. If you want to be damaged material then go and get it relaxed or you can relax and let it do what God made it to do and in your case you probably don't even know how beautiful you really are, let it be.

What does it usually cost to get you hair relaxed and will it damage my hair?

no more than 50 where I'm at where u from?,,300 wtf?

That's ridiculous,,,,Shes trying to screw u over.

I'm a hair dresser and I wouldn't dare charging a customer more than 50-60 and a trim is an extra $5-$10.

Don't do it yourself u could mess urself from,,,,it needs to be done by a professional

What does it usually cost to get you hair relaxed and will it damage my hair?

girl plz get a kit that you can do yourself at yo house and have yo momma or girlfriend read da box and do it ... ook get pink oil too it'll lay da frizzies down moreish...

What does it usually cost to get you hair relaxed and will it damage my hair?

well my hair is totally similar to yours in all aspects. first of all, i would do the whole relaxer thing. beleive me, ive thought of it all as well. and its so hard to style when you have such hard to style hair! you know what i mean? well, just take care of your hair and try to do fun things with it for now. it WILL grow out, and thats all you can hope for. a relaxer will just damage your hair, and you dont want that.

What does it usually cost to get you hair relaxed and will it damage my hair?

Relaxing your hair will definitely damage it. I would not pay more than $100 if you do decide to have it done. I have naturally curly hair and decided years ago to quit fighting it. I purchase products made to tame frizz and enhance curl. I straighten my hair on rare occasion. I'd keep working to improve the health of my hair and learn to deal with the curl (get cuts that work with curl or if you straighten it every now and then).

What does it usually cost to get you hair relaxed and will it damage my hair?

i was in your shoes not to long ago. the stylist didnt listen to me when i told her i have LOTS of curls. she RAZORED my hair (BIG nono for curls/waves) and cut it so short i wanted to cry.

anyways, i have had my hair relaxed before when it was longer and it costs about 70 bucks. i would only reccomend this if you have the will power to use a quality deep conditioner often to keep the hair healthy. i wanted to relax it when it was cut too short, but didnt want to risk it with the blonde highlights i had. (dyed blonde hair is more prone to damage than virgin or darker hair)

best of luck.

What does it usually cost to get you hair relaxed and will it damage my hair?

Pls don't do it! Just keep your natural hair. Be happy that you have thick curly hair, i relaxed my hair and the result caused me my hair, now i have short hair. I am trying to grow my natural hair out. Relaxers are the worse thing you can do for your hair, so listen to me and don't do it.

What does it usually cost to get you hair relaxed and will it damage my hair?

You should pay as much as what a perm would cost. $300 is way, way, way too much. Relaxing your hair is like a reverse-perm, so yes, it will damage your hair.

What does it usually cost to get you hair relaxed and will it damage my hair?

You might want to try a product called Easy Straight first. I don't know all the details, but it sells pretty well where I work. It's not expensive at all. I'm sure there is a web site that will answer your questions about it if you want to look into it.

What does it usually cost to get you hair relaxed and will it damage my hair?

$3.99 to $11.00 every 3 months. I do it myself, and if you follow the instructions and take care of your hair after relaxing you will not have any type of damage.

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